The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - Kentucky

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emblem ED

Vision Statement

"Leading Women Educators  Impacting Education Worldwide"

Nomination Committee


Jonna Smith, Delta

Mary Evelyn Poole, Beta

Linda Mauser, Upsilon

Lin Linder, Mu



The Nominations Committee shall present in election years a report of one nominee for each elective office, as well as a Nominations Committee, for publication in the Alpha Gamma State News at least thirty (30) days prior to the election and shall prepare the ballot in accordance with the plan for nominations and elections.  Goals include:
a.  selecting the most qualified person for each office in Alpha Gamma State organization
b.  preparing a slate of officers for each State Convention in odd numbered years
c.  conducting the installation ceremony at the appropriate State Convention
d.  using technology in the nominations process

Recent Notifications
